An SPAB Scholar tries timber shingling
An SPAB Scholar tries timber shingling
Visitor to an "Open House" event at the SPAB's HQ in Spitalfields, east London
The SPAB has campaigned for this building at risk and has helped pay for emergency works
The SPAB is the UK’s oldest building conservation body, founded by William Morris and others in 1877.
It protects historic buildings through advice, training, awards and campaigning. Our specialism is repair and maintenance of the structural fabric and finishes of old buildings. We publish guidance and run a free technical advice service on weekday mornings (020 7456 0916). In its casework, the SPAB advises councils and others on threats to the fabric of old buildings (where the building dates from 1720 or before). The Society also runs a range of courses and training programmes.
Please note that the SPAB cannot help with:
Training & Education
The SPAB is not generally a grant-making body but has a few small funds: