Heritage organisations

Historic Buildings & Places

Historic Buildings & Places, previously known as the Ancient Monuments Society, works to sustain, defend and promote all aspects of the built historic environment, for the benefit of all. We have a particular interest in everyday heritage, hidden treasures and community favourites. Founded in 1924, we are one of the National Amenity Societies and we champion historic buildings and places of all ages and all types.

Areas of interest

  • Commenting, as a mandatory consultee on applications for listed building consent, involving any degree of demolition, in England and Wales
  • Advising on the addition of a presently unprotected building onto the National Heritage List as a listed building, especially where the fabric is multi-period
  • Disseminating original research on many aspects of architectural history and conservation through our annual volume of Transactions
  • Disseminating information on news and casework overviews from the Society, alongside features and news from the sector, through our triennial members’ magazine

Please note that Historic Buildings & Places does not offer grants or loans.