The Council for British Archaeology is the leading independent body for UK archaeology, bringing together professionals, volunteers and communities to open up archaeology for all.
It has a particular interest in historic buildings as an important part of the material evidence for the study of past human behaviour.
The CBA’s primary concern with historic buildings lies not with aesthetics, or amenity considerations, but with the archaeological evidence contained in the fabric of the structure. The approach includes:
As well as advising on formal notifications through the listed building consent system we welcome informal contacts from owners, developers, architects, local groups or individuals.
The CBA uses a network of expert local correspondents, a specialist panel of advisors and professional staff to advise on how to minimise the impact of any development proposals, and on assessment and recording. We also make our casework available to all via an online database, accessible at
More broadly, the CBA works across the UK to open up the UK’s rich heritage for all and safeguard it for future generations. We operate a Young Archaeologists’ Club for 8-16 year olds and work to involve people in archaeology, give everyone an opportunity to discover more about the archaeology of the UK, and champion the importance of the UK’s rich archaeological heritage.