JCNAS members
Council for British Archaeology (CBA)
The Council for British Archaeology is the leading independent body for UK archaeology, bringing together professionals, volunteers and communities to open up archaeology for all.
Gardens Trust
The Garden History Society (GHS) is the oldest society in the world dedicated to the conservation and study of historic designed gardens and landscapes.
Georgian Group
The group campaigns against the neglect, maltreatment and destruction of Georgian buildings, parks and gardens in England and Wales.
Historic Buildings & Places
Historic Buildings & Places is concerned with historic buildings of all ages and all types.
Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)
The SPAB is the UK’s oldest building conservation body, founded by William Morris and others in 1877.
Twentieth Century Society
The Twentieth Century Society exists to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design in Britain from 1914 onwards.
Victorian Society
The Victorian Society is the champion for Victorian and Edwardian buildings in England and Wales.